574.294.1499 contact@eagle1027.com


Employing a multi-disciplinary approach and the latest legal techniques, our attorneys work hard to make sure that our clients satisfy their objectives of wealth transfer in the most efficient and productive manner, while minimizing tax liability and preserving assets for the benefits of the client’s beneficiaries. Throughout the firm’s existence, we have focused on assisting individuals to make the appropriate choices necessary to meet the financial and security needs of their families.

We have access to the necessary resources to supply the latest and most sophisticated estate planning techniques, including marital deduction and other tailored trusts, gifting plans, and life insurance to provide for family security, the payment of taxes and other obligations.

Our principal objective is to provide our clients with the peace of mind resulting from the knowledge that all reasonably foreseeable contingencies have been anticipated and fully covered. With that goal in mind, our estate planning attorneys thoroughly review with clients the advantages and appropriate uses of durable powers of attorney, living trusts and other devices designed to gain the flexibility demanded by the discipline. The attorneys in the business group also regularly draft and review business contracts and agreements, including buy-sell and redemption instruments, for the purpose of advising clients who have business interests, for the purpose of insuring that the client’s wishes for business succession and continuation will be fully realized. Our clients thereby benefit from the ability of each practice group to draw upon the skills and talents of attorneys in the other groups for assistance with a particular problem or opportunity. We believe that an integrated team approach not only produces sound legal advice, but also helps achieve the optimum practical result for a client’s business.

The attorneys in the estate planning group are also familiar with social security and Medicaid planning, and can assist clients with appropriate planning to achieve the goal of maximizing our clients’ rights to the benefits they have earned without jeopardizing their family assets. We have helped many families secure the care they need for their loved ones while continuing to maintain their lifestyles and ability to plan for their own futures.

Our attorneys who practice in the area of Estate Planning:

Matthew A. Yeakey

Matthew A. Yeakey

Attorney at Law, Partner Licensed in Indiana

574.294.1499 Ext 128

Brian J. Clark

Brian J. Clark

Attorney at Law, Partner Licensed in Indiana

574.294.1499 Ext 120

Lindsey B. Pianowski

Lindsey B. Pianowski

Attorney at Law, Partner Licensed in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan

574.294.1499 Ext 143

Erin E. Bantz Lee

Erin E. Bantz Lee

Attorney at Law, Partner Licensed in Indiana, Michigan

574.294.1499 Ext 122

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